Clean Up A Saw Plate

Logo side of the Miter Saw

Back side of the saw plate.

Spray down the saw plate with Simple Green and let it soak for a few minutes

Scotch-Brite pad and a small off cut of pine. I wrap the pad around the block like a sanding block. 

Apply elbow grease. It really doesn't take long at all or even a whole lot of effort. Change the pad like you would change sandpaper, they flatten, gum up, and wear out. I have a low tolerance for pulling out a new pad after I use all the spots on the old one. 

Here I stopped after scrubbing one end for around two minutes to see the difference. 

You can now make out what's left of an etching you could barely see before. "Made expressly for Goodell-Pratt Company, Toolsmiths, Greenfield - Mass. 

One side of the saw plate clean. Flip the plate and repeat. Wipe off the remaining cleaner with a cloth. 

Face side of the plate cleaned up.

After the scrubbing is done, I dry off the plate thoroughly, then I lay down a light coat of WD-40 to displace any remaining moisture, wipe that down, then apply a spray coat of beeswax furniture polish, buff that down with a clean fresh cloth and you have a very fresh and clean saw plate. 

 Next comes sharpening and making a new handle. I'm still trying to nail down the right pattern handle for this saw but I have a nice piece of cherry in the shop that will work perfectly.

Ratione et Passionis


  1. Derek, that is one beautiful miter saw. I picked up a Goodell Manufacturing Co. miter box (c1924) at a garage sale and spent a year tracking down a 28" x 5" miter saw. While I really wanted one that had the "Made expressly for Goodell Manufacturing Co." etching on it, I'm happy with the "Millers Falls Miter Box," etching.

    You did a beautiful job of restoring the saw plate along with preserving a very cool etching of your own. Based on the etching, I'd say that this saw sat in a Goodell-Pratt miter box some time in the mid-to late 20s and beyond.

    By chance, did you pick up the miter box to go with it? Or were you looking to add it to a sawless miter box?

    Looking forward to your post on making a handle.


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