Intimidation At The Workbench

It's easy to sit high in the saddle like John Wayne and act brave and cavalier about everything you do, but that would be just what John Wayne did for a living, Acting. Feeling intimidated by the project you're working on is a real, honest to god, thing we all have to face sometimes.

If you're not facing it, then you're not pushing yourself, or the art/craft, far enough, but you have to admit there's a problem before you face it.

It may sound ridiculous to some, but I have a hiccup when it comes to chairs.

That makes this book I'm working on extra interesting because there are three types of chairs depicted in the Morgan Bible, one to match up with each style identified in Penelope Eames book "Medieval Furniture" A turned chair, a faldstuhl, (AKA Sella Curulis, or "X" chair) and the chair I've been in the middle of for a good long while, a boarded chair.

I worked on it feverishly before the snow fell last year and to my current regret, once I allowed myself to pause, worries and excuses to hold off moving forward began to pile up.

I had the day off from the hospital this past Thursday and I used it, (and the help of my youngest daughter) to clean up the shop. It had been trashed after a bevy of home repairs and non-furniture woodworking projects.

After getting everything back in place, I sat down in my worry chair and just took it all in. My eyes kept falling on the turned chair legs I'd hidden behind my tool chest. I swear they were looking right back at me. After a little internal argument I collected all the parts I've cut and prepared for the piece and laid them out on my workbench.

Time to get off my ass and move forward with more than writing.

Ratione et Passionis


  1. Odd how you blog about this topic just as I am stumbling on a project the same way now. Oh, not like your chair. Just a feeling of intimidation. I had it all figured out(famous last words) then as the pieces were getting cut and ready things didn't add up the same way that I had thought. Then...... 2 miscuts. That didn't help even a little.
    I like how your throwing it together and tackling it. I just need to buckle up and do that myself I reckon.

    Oh and throw away those miss cuts that are staring ME in the face......

  2. Old Wolf,

    There will be a time that all the furniture you are making will appear as combination of simple joints. The mortise and tenon, miters, dovetails, and flat and square. Or some form of it. I have been there, intimidated, but you will quickly get over it. Good luck.




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