The New Shop Tour.

Paint, paint, paint.

Move, lift, slide, push, pull, move.

Hang something here. Hang something over there. Shit. Take that down and hang it over there instead.

There is nothing glamorous about setting up a workshop from scratch. Yes there are things to consider like workflow, unique storage solutions, and accessibility but those things are covered to death in the standard "Great Workshops Annual" magazine you see reprinted every year with a new cover (sometimes.)

If you want, need advice on setting up a shop, do yourself a favor and pick up a used copy of Scott Landis's classic "The Workshop Book," from eBay or AbeBooks. (It'll cost you less than $5)

For my experience here. I dissolved two months of hard work into about 10 minutes of video.

Here is a look inside my shop. Enjoy!

Ratione et Passionis


  1. Thanks for the tour. Perhaps I will reciprocate some time.

  2. Derek,

    Thanks, it is always interesting to see how other folks solve the problems too much stuff. My shop is almost always in a state of flux.



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