Simple Curiosity

"Ours is really a simple craft. But it is a rich one, too. At its best, the simple becomes obvious; a band of small discoveries, strung like pearls on a thread of curiosity, lending richness to our work."

"Simplicity is the beginning of many fine things."

-James Krenov, "The Impractical Cabinetmaker"

Ratione et Passionis


  1. I confess my ignorance, and though I googled it,
    what does
    Ratione et Passionis mean?

    Ian W

    1. Ian,

      No worries man, "Ratione et Passionis" is Latin for "Reason and Passion" The two forces that create the tension inside of us that is where creativity comes from.

      I got the words and idea from a passage in Kahlil Gibran's book called "The Prophet"

      I wrote a post with an excerpt from the work when I made the change from signing off with "Cheers" to what it is today. You can find it here

      If you haven't read The Prophet, I very much recommend it.

      Thanks for reading


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