New To The Blog

I have wanted a gallery page to organize finished pictures of my work for a long while now, and thanks to some added time on my posterior, I have accomplished it,

The list of my finished pieces is not complete there yet, in fact I only have my carved boxes loaded so far, but it will grow over the next few days and eventually it will be an easier place to refer friends and clients to when they want to see examples of my work and skip the endless prattle that often accompanies my pictures here. The pages are built to be more commercial in appearance, which brings up the possibility of my selling of some un-needed tools in the near future. (still working at untying the apron strings at that one)

At any rate, if you'd like, stop over, take a gander, and let me know what you think. I've got dovetails figured out but manipulating the conceptual configurations of the interweb.....let's say I know just enough to get into trouble.

There's a link on my sidebar or you can just click HERE.

Ratione et Passionis


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