Tools For Sale

Forgive me whilst I figure out this temporary tool monger thing.

Instead of posting one tool at a time and stretching this out forever, I've decided to create a dedicated page for selling tools and just make a post when I update it with a new shovel full of toys.

Today I put up several good ones, so grab them fast before they go away. As always the first person to send an email to me gets it. More pictures and information is listed ON THIS PAGE RIGHT HERE.

Up for sale this time!.

Stanley No. 3

Disston 12" No. 2 Back Saw filed rip

Panel Gauge

Sargent 418 Fore Plane
Wooden Coffin Smoother
 I've also listed price reductions in a couple tools I've already listed Read down to the bottom of the page to see the new deals.

Again go see these tools ON THIS PAGE RIGHT HERE!

Thank you again for looking and buying to support my Mission. Want to learn more about my mission you can read about it HERE.

Ratione et Passionis


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