A Nice Pair
The saw turned out great, the rivets worked much better for me this time. One simple thing seemed to help but I didn't think about it the first time when I was working with the open handle. Too excited and in a hurry to see the work complete I guess. This time I had the where with all to counter sink the holes the heads of the rivets fell into. Worked like a charm! the saw looks and cuts good. I'm proud of this one.
I finished up the "D" handle pretty quick, so I took the time to cut and fit a new handle on the flexible flush cut saw. This time I followed no pattern, I simply cut out a something I thought would work well and shaped it further with rasp, card scraper and sand paper. fits the hand like a glove and cuts pretty well. One of the rivets didn't sink down so nice on this handle and so it's got a little rock in it.and that may cause it to fail in the future, but when that happens, I'll replace it again.
Now just because I'm done replacing these handle does not mean I'm done with saws. My next day off is Tuesday, and I plan to use that day to work on creating a bow saw. After that may come a frame saw. I do have some ideas about creating some planes from scratch as well, we'll see how that develops in my mind as I drive forward here.
Anyhow enjoy the pics. . . and I will be posting again soon.
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